Fremont Neighborhood Council Meeting – November 25, 2013
Board members present: Stephanie Pure, Elfriede Noble, Toby Thaler, Kevin McClain, Matt Gasparich, Shawn Mulanix, Norma Jones, Erik Pihl, Linda Clifton, Judie Clarridge.
Stephanie opened the meeting and invited everyone to introduce themselves and share any announcements:
- Sound Transit will have its 3rd and final Open House on the Ballard to Downtown Transit Study on December 5th from 5:30 to 7:30 atBallardHigh School.
- Kirby Lindsay announced that the Lighting of the Lenin / Festivus will be on Friday, December 6th. Also, she encouraged people to buy their tickets for the Moisture Festival (March 20 – April 13) soon because performances sell out.
- Fremont MLK Day of Service will be January 20th from 10 am to 4 pm atFremontBaptistChurch.
- Matt announced that Chase Bank has come to an agreement with the building owners to replace the awning on the McKenzieBuildingon the northeast corner of Fremont Aveand N. 34th. No information regarding when this will happen.
Fremont Siphon Replacement Project – Monica Van der Vieren and Will Sroufe, King County Wastewater Treatment Division
Monica and Will provided background information and an update on the project. Wastewater from Mukilteo, Lynnwood, Kenmore, Shoreline, and north Seattlecomes through siphon pipelines under the Ship Canal near 2nd Ave, N.W. inFremont on the way to theWest PointTreatmentCenter. The existing siphon pipeline is 100 years old and is being replaced and a micro-tunnel built west of the current location. Community meetings have been held to gather input on the design of the maintenance building, landscaping, impact on use of the Burke-Gilman Trail, impact on nearby residents and businesses, etc.
The contract will go out for bid in early 2014. There will be a pre-construction community meeting in the summer of 2014 with demolition of the Praxair building and construction to follow. There will be a 24 hour hotline number for neighbors and others to use during the 2 year project. Seattle Public Utilities is coordinating withKingCountyto replace a water main during the project.
Fremont Martin Luther King Day of Service 2014: Ralph and Sarah Weathers, co-chairs of the event, submitted a grant proposal for $500 to be used for the purchase of supplies for disaster hygiene kits and for the cost of shipping the kits to a central warehouse. From the warehouse, the kits will be distributed within theUS and abroad as natural disasters occur. The kits will be assembled at the MLK Day event.
MOTION: Toby moved that $500 be granted. Shawn seconded. Approved.
Linda suggested that the new tenants of the Catholic Community Services low-incoming apartment building be invited to participate in the event. The day will also include Fremont Clean Streets (collecting litter inFremont); and information on Earthquake Preparedness.
Neighborhood Planning: The first meeting was held on November 18th to begin reviewing the plan that was developed in the 1990s. Those at the meeting noted which elements of the plan had been resolved, which continue to be areas of concern, and suggested new areas. A second meeting will be held on December 16th to continue the process. There was concern expressed about plans for new apartment buildings being approved which provided for fewer parking spaces than previously. Also noted was that aKingCounty study showed that parking spaces in buildings are often not being used.
Toby said that there was a Comprehensive Plan Ordinance passed in 1997. However, many plans have not been updated. City departments do not adhere to the plans when making decisions regarding neighborhoods. Design Guidelines were never developed forFremont.
There was discussion about what the major issues are now. Public transportation is a top concern with the planned reduction of bus service. City Councilman Larry Phillips could be invited to a meeting. Kevin stated that Metro staffing has been so severely cut that staff members are not able to attend community meetings.
Other discussion: Invite Mayor Murray and the new SDOT head to speak on the city’s transportation plan. Kevin said thatKingCountyhas taxing authority that could be utilized to fund Metro but he believes that it is likely that the Council will go to the voters to request approval. What is the best way to raise the issue to elected officials? It is important to be proactive. Need to work with staff in advance. The entire system is under funded. Need to be strategic. Kevin said that the planned reduction is a proposal that will go to the King County Council. Decisions will be made based on ridership. It will be important to attend meetings and to encourage efficiency by Metro.
Membership Drive: The board discussed what materials are needed: business cards (not personal cards for board members) that provide general information on the FNC, brochures that could be distributed at homes, posters, etc. Dave Scudder’s design would be used. Need material for MLK Day. Discussed that we need to organize which items are needed and how many: suggestions of 1,000 business cards, 1,000 brochures, 100 posters. The marketing plan needs to include a mailing because that method has been successful. Could ask Jessica Vets to include item on FNC membership drive in the Friday Blast.
MOTION: Toby moved that up to $250 could be spent before the next meeting. Seconded and passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Kevin presented the report as shown below. The FNC spent $400 for mural maintenance in November. Kevin noted that additional funds will be needed to maintain the mural next year. Linda reported that there are plans for fund raising.
BECU Checking 1,996.67
PayPal 531.99
BECU Money Market 56,135.15
BECU Savings 5.00
Total $58,668.81
Committed Funds:
46th Street Mural $166.39
Final thought: The Seattle Parks Department is planning 3 community meetings in January to get feedback on the work done by the Parks Legacy Citizens’ Advisory Committee in preparation for a 2014 parks-and-recreation ballot measure.
Minutes: Kevin moved that the October minutes be approved as presented. Linda seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned. The will be no FNC board meeting in December. The next meeting will be Monday, January 27, 2014.